Music Conference Photos

Ambrosia Gauthier is our covergirl of the season
she posed for us at the Annual Wigstock Festival at the Pier in New York City.
We chose Amber for her grace and beauty
as you view these pages keep Amber in mind and feel the brilliance....T. and A.

Photo Montage and Logos by İArhlene Z. Ayalin 2000
All Photographs İTina Paul 2000
All Rights Reserved

Copyright Notice: All Material, photographs, drawings, words and video that appear in Fifi Studios website
are the property of Tina Paul and Arhlene Z. Ayalin. All photographs, drawings, words and video are protected
under United States and International copyright laws throughout the Universe. No part of this website may be
privately stored, reproduced, broadcast, displayed in public, or used for any purpose in any form without
permission of Fifi Studios İTina Paul 2001 and İArhlene Z. Ayalin 2001 All Rights Reserved
Unauthorized Use is Prohibited.


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